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张强 教授
发布日期:2011-11-04 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

  博士,教授, 博士生导师

专业和研究方向: 药剂学



    张强   973首席科学家  国家重点实验室副主任


长期从事创新药物制剂的研究与开发, 主要研究方向包括:蛋白多肽药物的给药系统研究、新型纳米给药系统研究、新型抗肿瘤靶向给药系统的研究等。现任北京大学药学院教授、博士生导师、中国药学会常务理事,中国药学会药剂专业委员会主任委员,世界控释协会(CRS)中国分会首任主席,天然药物与仿生药物国家重点实验室副主任,国家重大科学研究计划首席科学家、国家药典会委员制剂专业委员会副主任、中国药学杂志(英文版》执行主编、药学学报和中国药学杂志副主编,J Controlled ReleaseJ MicroencapsulationDrug Delivery & Translational Res 3个国际杂志的编委,国家药品与食品管理局新药评审委员等。

目前承担国家973、重大专项单元平台等重大项目的研究工作。在J Contrlled Res, Molecular Pharm, Pharm Res等本领域国际著名学术杂志上发表论文过100篇,被引用上千次;其中在药剂学领域最好的学术杂志J Controlled Res (IF=5.9)上已发表学术论文10多篇;主编或参编专著与教材15部;申请国内外发明专利20多项;获中国药学会科学技术一等奖1项(第1完成人)、教育部科学技术奖或自然科学二等奖2项(第1完成人)、吴阶平-保罗·杨森奖一等奖、中国药学发展奖、教育部跨世纪人才基金奖等。




1.Xiang Y, Liang L, Wang X, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhang Q*. Chloride channel-mediated brain glioma targeting of chlorotoxin-modified doxorubicine-loaded liposomes. J Control Release. 2011,152(3): 402-410

2.Wang Y, Yang T, Wang X, Dai W, Wang J, Zhang X, Li Z, Zhang Q*. Materializing sequential killing of tumor vasculature and tumor cells via targeted polymeric micelle system. J Control Release. 2011,149 (3):299-306

3.Wang F, Zhang D*,Zhang Q*, Chen Y, Zheng D, Hao L, Duan C, Jia L, Liu G, Liu Y. Synergistic effect of folate-mediated targeting and verapamil-mediated P-gp inhibition with paclitaxel -polymer micelles to overcome multi-drug resistance. Biomaterials. 2011,32:9444-9456

4.Yang T, Wang Y, Li Z, Dai W, Yin J, Liang L, Ying X, Zhou S, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhang Q. Targeted delivery of a combination therapy consisting of combretastatin A4 and low-dose doxorubicin against tumor neovasculature. Nanomedicine:NBM. 2011 May 20. [Epub ahead of print]

5.Zhang Y, Wang X, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhang Q. Octreotide-modified polymeric micelles as potential carriers for targeted docetaxel delivery to somatostatin receptor overexpressing tumor cells. Pharm Res. 2011 May;28(5):1167-78. Epub 2011 Feb 22.

6. Jia Z, Lin P, Xiang Y,  Wang X, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhang Q*. A novel nanomatrix system consisted of colloidal silica and pH-sensitive polymethylacrylate improves the oral bioavailability of fenofibrate. European J Pharma Biopharm. 2011,79(1):126-134

7.Zhang H, Hollis C P, Zhang Q*, Li T *. Preparation and antitumor study of camptothecin nanocrystals. Int J Pharma. 2011, 415 (1-2): 293-300

8.Wang XQ, Fan JM, Liu YO, Zhao B, Jia ZR, Zhang Q. Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of sorafenib suspension, nanoparticles and nanomatrix for oral administration to rat. Int J Pharm. 2011 Aug 9. [Epub ahead of print]

9.Liu H, Liu Y*, Ma Z, Wang J, Zhang Q*. A Lipid Nanoparticle System Improves siRNA Efficacy in RPE Cells and a Laser-Induced Murine CNV Model. Invest Ophth Vis Sci, 2011, 52(7):4789-4794


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