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教授 博士生导师

张强  博士, 教授, 博士生导师

专业和研究方向: 药剂学



    张强  973首席科学家,北京市重点实验室主任,创新团队负责人。1982年毕业于北京医学院,1995年在华西医科大学获得博士学位,1982-1992年就职于医药总局四川抗菌素工业研究所,先后任课题组长、研究室副主任;1989-1990年在日本国福冈大学药学部工作;1995年就职于北京医科大学(北京大学),先后任药剂教研室主任、药剂系主任,药学院副院长等。

    现任中国药学会常务理事、中国药学会药剂专业委员会名誉主任委员、中国药学会纳米药物专业委员会副主任委员、国家药典会委员制剂专业委员会副主任、国家重大科学研究计划首席科学家、中国药学杂志(中英文版)和药学学报(中英文版)副主编、 J Controlled Release 等国际杂志编委等。曾任世界控释协会(CRS)中国分会首任主席、中国药学会药剂专委会主任委员、国家重点室副主任等。

    长期从事创新药物制剂的研究与开发,目前承担国家973、自然基金委重大项目、重大新药创制专项、教育部创新团队、北京市重点实验室项目等。获教育部自然科学一等奖、中国药学会科技一等奖、吴杨奖一等奖等,是全国优秀科技工作者和国务院特殊津贴获得者。在AFM,ACS Nano,ADDR,JCR,Biomaterials等本领域国际一流杂志上发表SCI论文300多篇,SCI引用进入药理毒理学ESI排名的前1%。率领北大药剂学科获得全国第一个药剂学创新团队,在重大专项药剂平台的申请与结题中名列前,973纳米研究结题评为第一并再度获得立项,建立了全院第一个北京市重点实验室。完成创新制剂研究30余项,申请发明专利50多项,开发上市多个创新制剂,有的产生了重大社会经济效益。





    Dr. Qiang Zhang received his Bachelor’s degree in Beijing Medical College in 1982 and received his Ph.D degree at West China University of Medical Sciences in 1995. After working in Sichuan Industrial Institute of Antibiotics for 10 years, in 1995 he moved to School of Pharm. Sci., Peking University where he was promoted to Associated Professor in 1996 and Professor in 1999. He began his study in nanomedicine in 1992 when reading for Ph.D degree. Now more than 300 SCI papers were published, which was highly cited, garnered numerous awards, and boosted related pharmaceutics research. As the DDS people, he have developed serial DDS into market and some others into clinical study. One of them has become the star product of a major domestic pharmaceutical company, having brought in significant economic and social benefits.

    Currently he is the Honor Chair of Pharmaceutics Committee of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (CPA), Founder and Vice-Chair of Nanomedicines Committee of CPA, Vice-Chair of Pharmaceutics Committee of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Expert for Center of Drug Evaluation of CFDA, the first Editorial board member of J Controlled Release in China, and so on. He was also the first President of CRS-China Chapter and the Vice-Dean of School of Pharm. Sci., Peking University.

    Research Interests: Molecular Pharmaceutics and the translational study on novel DDS, including the mechanism and translational studies on novel drug delivery systems for water-insoluble drugs, antitumor drugs and biotechnology drugs.


代表性论文(Representative Publications)

1.    Wang, Xiaoyou; Zhang Qiang, et al. Anisotropy in Shape and Ligand-Conjugation of Hybrid Nanoparticulates Manipulates the Mode of Bio-Nano Interaction and Its Outcome.  Advanced Functional Materials . 2017, 27 (31)

2.    Dai, Wenbing; Zhang Qiang, et al. Combination antitumor therapy with targeted dual-nanomedicines.  Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews . 2017, 115: 23-45

3.  Liang, Yanqin; Zhang Qiang, et al. A Nanosystem of Amphiphilic Oligopeptide- Drug Conjugate Actualizing Both alpha v beta 3 Targeting and Reduction-Triggered Release for Maytansinoid.  Theranostics . 2017,7(13): 3306-3318

4.    Gao Wei; Zhang Qiang, et al. The use of electronic-neutral penetrating peptides cyclosporin A to deliver pro-apoptotic peptide: A possibly better choice than positively charged TAT.  Journal of Controlled Release . 2017, 261: 174-186

5.  Li, Suxin; Zhang Qiang, et al. Novel Biological Functions of ZIF-NP as a Delivery Vehicle: High Pulmonary Accumulation, Favorable Biocompatibility, and Improved Therapeutic Outcome.  Advanced Functional Materials . 2016, 26(16): 2715-2727

6.    Wang, Dan; Zhang Qiang, et al. The modulation of tumor vessel permeability by thalidomide and its impacts on different types of targeted drug delivery systems in a sarcoma mouse model.  Journal of Controlled Release . 2016, 238: 186-196

7.    Fu JJ, Zhang Q, et al. Macrophage mediated biomimetic delivery system for the treatment of lung metastasis of breast cancer,  Journal of Controlled Release , 2015,204:11-19

8.    Hu Hongxiang, Zhang Hua, Zhang Qiang, et al. A novel localized co-delivery system with lapatinib microparticles and paclitaxel nanoparticles in a peritumorally injectable in situ hydrogel.  Journal of Controlled Release , 2015,220:189-200

9.    Guo Z, Zhang Q, et al. Targeting efficiency of RGD-modified nanocarriers with different ligand intervals in response to integrin αvβ3 clustering.  Biomaterials . 2014 Jul; 35(23):6106-17.

10.  Qin C, Zhang Q, et al. The impact of a chlorotoxin-modified liposome system on receptor MMP-2 and the receptor-associated protein ClC-3.  Biomaterials . 2014 Jul;35(22):5908-20.